T2MTU: Organize “Imported Assignments”
by Amanda Dills
Sept. 12, 2022
This week, we are continuing our “organize your Canvas Gradebook” series in the Tuesday 2-Minute Tune Up tutorial by showing you how to move Assignments out of the Imported Assignments group and into their weighted (or unweighted) assignment group categories.
This is important to do regularly, because every time you import content into your course – regardless of which Assignment Group it was in originally – Canvas will add it into an “Imported Assignments” category in the destination gradebook. This may cause the assignment to NOT affect the final grade and generally make your gradebook more cumbersome.
Watch the video below to learn how to find and re-organize items in this Assignment Group, or keep scrolling for written directions:
Re-Organize “Imported Assignments”
Step 1: Double check Assignment groups and weighting.
If you haven’t already done so, make sure your general system of Assignment Groups matches how you want assignments categorized and weighted in your course. Watch last week’s T2MTU video HERE if you need help with this.
Step 2: Locate your Imported Assignments group.
If you have ever copied content into your current course shell, you likely have an “Imported Assignments” group that was created automatically. To find it, go to the Assignments page in your course (remember, the assignments page is the back end of your Canvas Gradebook), and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Step 3: Decide where each “imported assignment” should go instead.
Take a look at the items in the Imported Assignment group and then determmine which group they should go to instead. If all the items in Imported Assignments belong in the same group, go on to Step 4. If different assignments belong in different groups, skip ahead to step 4.
Step 4: If all (or most) imported assignments belong in the same Assignment Group…
…click on the 3-dot menu on the far right side of the group title (“Imported Assignments”) and select “Move Contents.”

Then, select the appropriate options from the slide-out menu that appears, and click “Move.” This will transfer EVERYTHING within the Imported Assignments group into the group you have chosen.

Step 5: If the imported assignments are going to be moved to multiple assignment groups…
…you will need to move them individually. You can do this by clicking and dragging or by using the “Move To” option.
- To click and drag: hover your mouse over the little 8-dot icon on the left hand side of the item, so that your cursor turns into a 4-headed arrow. Once that arrow appears, you can click and drag the item to whichever group/location it belongs to.

- To use the “move” option: click on the 3-dot menu that appears on the far right hand side of that item, and select “Move To….” Then, on the little menu that slides out, select the Assignment group and location where you want to move the item to, and select “Move.”

Use the Move and/or Click/drag options to make sure that your Assignments are in their appropriate group and location within that group.
Like this Tutorial? Click HERE to view all the Tuesday 2-Minute Tune Up articles!
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