T2MTU: Gradebook Filters

by Amanda Dills
September 12, 2023

In part 2 of our Fall Canvas Gradebook Updates series, we are looking at the new filter options in the Gradebook.

Click on the video player below to view it, or keep scrolling for written directions.

Using Single Filters in the Canvas Gradebook

Step 1: Click the “Apply Filters” button to open up the filters menu.

Step 2: Select the category you want to use for your filter, and select the specific item you want to view from the drop down menu.
In addition to the previous options of Assignment Group, Module, and Section, you can now filter by Student Groups, Status (e.g. Assignments that are Missing or Late), Submissions (Assignments with Ungraded Submissions), and Start & End Date.

Step 3: To disable a filter, click on the x in the filter button that appears, or find the “Clear All Filters” option on the right hand side of the screen.

Using Gradebook Filter “Presets”

If you have certain filters that you use often in the Gradebook, I would strongly suggest adding them as a “filter preset.” Filter presets are combinations of filters that you define so that you can turn on all the filtered options with a single click.

Step 1: Open the “Apply Filters” menu and select “Create & Manage Filter Presets.”

Step 2: Click “Create Filter Preset” to create a new filter combination. (You will see any filter presets you’ve already created below this button.)

Step 3: On the expanded menu that appears, name your preset and choose what filters you want the preset to include. (Can be one or multiple). Then hit “Save Filter Preset.”

Step 4: Your newly created preset will appear at the top of your “Apply Filters” menu. Select it to apply the filter preset. Click on the “x” for individual elements within the preset to turn them off.

As always, please contact ID3 if you have specific questions or want suggestions for tools you could add to your courses!

Contact ID3 : Tami Carlos | Amanda | Whitley | Shawn

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