T2MTU: Gradebook Column Visibility

by Amanda Dills
August 29, 2023

The Canvas grade book has had an update!

Overall, I think this update is a good one, but it did move some of my favorite Gradebook features. So over the next few weeks, our Tuesday 2-Minute Tune-Ups will be dedicated to these updates in the Canvas gradebook.

Click on the video player below to view it, or keep scrolling for written directions with screenshots:

Updating Visible Columns in the Gradebook

Step 1: Click on the gear Settings button in the upper right hand side of your gradebook to open the Gradebook Settings slide out tray.

gradebook settings button

Step 2: Click on the “View Options” tab on the right-hand side.

Step 3: Check or uncheck the boxes as needed to update column visibility in your gradebook:

  • Notes = a text-based column that only teachers can see
  • Unpublished Assignments = assignments that are invisible to students; most teachers want to hide these (by unchecking)
  • Hide Assignment Group Totals = check this box to hide the group totals that appear at the end of your gradebook column list
  • Hide Total and Override Columns = hide the overall column calculations from students

Step 4: Once you are satisfied with your selections, click the “Apply Settings” button at the bottom of the window. (It will appear in light purple if you haven’t made any changes, dark purple if you have changes to save.)

As always, please contact ID3 if you have specific questions or want suggestions for tools you could add to your courses!

Contact ID3 : Tami Carlos | Amanda | Whitley | Shawn

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