T2MTU: Canvas Grade Scheme Updates
by Amanda Dills
April 2, 2024
Today’s Tuesday Tune Up Video features a Canvas update that makes it so much easier and more intuitive to select or Set Up Grading Schemes in Canvas.
Click the video below for a tutorial, or keep scrolling for written directions.
Choosing a Different Grading Scheme in Canvas
Step One: Open up the Edit or Create view for an Assignment in Canvas.
Step Two: In the Display Grade as drop down menu, select Letter Grade.
This will cause the Grading Scheme drop down to appear.
Step Three: Choose from the drop down list of “default” grading schemes available in your course. To view a scheme, select the scheme, and click the “View/Edit” button.
Note: You will not be able to edit any of the “System” schemes.
To create your own Grading Schemes, click on the Manage All Grading Schemes link, and then select “+ New Grading Scheme.” NOTE: We definitely recommend contacting ID3 for help in setting up new grading schemes in your course.
To view more Canvas-related articles, use the links below.
- T2MTU: Canvas Dashboard Clean-up
- T2MTU: Resetting Column Order in Your Gradebook
- T2MTU: Embedding a Canva Document into a Canvas Page
- T2MTU: Canvas Grade Scheme Updates
- T2MTU: Canvas Content Editor Updates
- T2MTU: Moving Canvas Total Grade Column
- T2MTU: Student Sorting in the Canvas Gradebook
- T2MTU: Gradebook Filters
- T2MTU: Gradebook Column Visibility
- Gradebook
And as always, if you have any questions or need assistance from ID3, please do not hesitate to reach out!