T2MTU: Canvas Content Editor Updates
by Amanda Dills
March 25, 2024
In today’s Tuesday Tune Up, we’re starting a new series in which I’m going to share quick Canvas updates and enhancements.
In today’s video, you’ll learn how to customize your Canvas fonts and colors. Click the video below for a tutorial, or keep scrolling for written directions.
Update Colors and Fonts in Canvas
All of these changes can be made in the Rich Content Editor (edit screen), any where in Canvas you have text.
First: Type, and highlight the text you want to update.
To change font: go to the “Format” menu , select “Fonts,” and then the font of your choice.
To change to a custom color: first, open the “Text Color” or “Background Color” menus.
Choose from one of the pre-set colors, or click on the paint palette to create a custom color.
Make sure to SAVE both your custom color and the edited item.
To view more Canvas-related articles, use the links below.
- T2MTU: Canvas Dashboard Clean-up
- T2MTU: Resetting Column Order in Your Gradebook
- T2MTU: Embedding a Canva Document into a Canvas Page
- T2MTU: Canvas Grade Scheme Updates
- T2MTU: Canvas Content Editor Updates
- T2MTU: Moving Canvas Total Grade Column
- T2MTU: Student Sorting in the Canvas Gradebook
- T2MTU: Gradebook Filters
- T2MTU: Gradebook Column Visibility
- Gradebook
And as always, if you have any questions or need assistance from ID3, please do not hesitate to reach out!