T2MTU: Add Emojis to Canvas

by Amanda Dills

In today’s “Tuesday 2-Minute Tune Up,” I’m showing you how to add emojis into Canvas.  You can add emojis virtually any place that you can type text (including Module titles or Assignment groups), as well as in other programs like Microsoft Word, Google Sheets, and even WordPress blog posts.  (👀)

Click the image below to watch the video, or keep scrolling for some written directions and screenshots:

Add Emojis to Canvas (or almost anywhere you can type):

  • Make sure you are in “Edit Mode” for whatever text you want to add the emoji to, with your cursor at the place where you want to add the emoji.
  • Type in the “special code.” 😊
    • If you are on a PC: The Windows Button and then the Period Key. +
    • If you are on a Mac: Control + Command + Spacebar
  • This should bring up a little pop up window where you can search for and select the emoji you want to add. (Hint: you can type search terms right where your cursor is… try typing a color like “blue” or “red” if you want to do some color coding or a word like “book.” Once you click on the emoji you want to use, it will replace the search word you typed.)
  • After you’ve added your emoji, save your edits like you normally would. That’s it!

💥💥A few disclaimers and notes⚠🔴😬

1️⃣    It can be really easy 😴 to go overboard 💦 on this, so use these emojis sparingly 🙊🙉🙈  (see what I did there?)

  1. Along those lines, emojis will work best if they are added to serve a specific need. For example – maybe your students want an easy way to see at a glance which assignments contribute to their total grade. You could add an emoji or color code on the Assignment or Assignment Group title to indicate this. Or… maybe you have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs for different students and you need to see at a glance which sending school each student goes to. Use an emoji code to make this easily visible at a glance.

As always, if you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future 2-Minute Tune Up Videos, please let me know!

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