T2MTU: “Copy To” Another Canvas Course

February 8, 2022

Normally, when we talk about copying content in Canvas, it is a “pull” process – you’re going into the “Destination Course,” and pulling in the large chunks of content that you need. But what if you only need to copy an individual item — or module – from one course into another?

Then, you can do a “push” process that Canvas calls “Copy To.”

In this week’s Tuesday 2-Minute Tune Up Video, I’ll show you how to use the Copy To function to copy individual items and modules from one course to another.

Click on the video below, or keep scrolling for written directions (AND this week’s Contest Entry form)!!

Using “Copy To” to Copy Items Between Canvas Courses

  • Go to the course you want to copy FROM. Locate the item or module you want to copy, and look for the 3-dot menu. Click the 3-dot icon, and select “Copy To.”

TIP: Different types of items in Canvas may require a slightly different process for getting to the “Copy To” link. See the chart below for details.

How to access the “Copy To” LinkNotes
AnnouncementsOpen the specific announcement you want to copy and click on 3-dot menu in upper right hand corner.You cannot do this from the Announcements navigation tab.
AssignmentsOption 1: Go to the Assignments tab, and click on the 3-dot icon on the right end of the item you wish to copy
Option 2: Open a specific Assignment as if to Edit it, and click on the 3-dot icon in the upper right hand corner
If you use Assignment Groups (Weights) in your course, you will need to move the copied assignment into the proper group in the new course.
Discussion BoardsOption 1: Go to the Discussions tab and click on the 3-dot icon on the right end of the item you wish top copy
Option 2: Open a specific Discussion as if to Edit it, and click on the 3-dot icon in the upper right hand corner
Elements within a Module (Links)Go to the Modules tab and click on the 3-dot icon on the right end of the element you wish to copy.
FilesGo to the Files tab, find the file you want to coyp, an click on the 3-dot icon on the right end of that file.
ModulesGo to the Modules tab, and click on the 3-dot icon on the right end of the Module you wish to copy. This will copy everything in the Module into the destination course.
Modules are the only way you can copy multiple items at once with the “copy to” function.
OutcomesOutcomes cannot be copied using this process.
PagesOption 1: Go to the Pages tab (click on “All Pages” if your course has a Homepage), and click on the 3-dot icon on the right end of the item you wish to copy
Option 2: Open a specific Page as if to Edit it, and click on the 3-dot icon in the upper right hand corner
RubricsRubrics cannot be copied individually using this method, but you can copy an Assignment that has a Rubric attached.

  • Choosing the “Copy To” link for any item in your course will bring up a slider window on the right hand side of your screen. Here you will select the course you want to copy this element or module TO.
    • If you are choosing to move an individual assignment, page, or link, you will be able to choose the module –and location within that module – where you want the item to appear in the new course.
  • Click the “Copy” button when you have finished selecting your desired location for the copied item in the destination course.
  • You will see a confirmation message that your item or module has started copying successfully.

Note: Depending on the size of item being copied, it may take up to several minutes for your copied item to appear in the destination course.

If you have any questions, please reach out to an ID3 Instructional Design Specialist

Contact: Tami | Tanffy | Carlos | Simon | Amanda | Whitley

Week 2 Giveaway Form

Click here for more information about the February Two-Nup Challenge Giveaway for FT Instructors.
Click here to complete your Course Inventory (which qualifies you to win the giveaway).

Complete the form below to earn 2 more “points” (entries) in the ID3 Two-Nup Thunder Tickets Giveaway Challenge.

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